Dragon Nest 2 Legends: Argenta Unlocked!!

Argenta is now available on Dragon Nest II Legends character creation! A special coupon code is also hidden within this post as gift for Argenta's debut!

Argenta is a close-range melee character. Her weapons are chakrams. (much like the weapons of Kali character on Dragon Nest Online) She's a fast and acrobatic character much like her version on Dragon Nest Online.

Unravel her storyline 500 years before the ones on Dragon Nest Online.

Watch her gameplay, skills and storyline below.

And now for the coupon code~!

QHP Note: This coupon code is for Android Users only!

Click on the Menu icon on the upper right of the screen, (Icon with 3 horizontal bars) Then click on the Coupon icon

Enter the coupon code

check Mail and recieve 500,000 Gold!

Have you found the hidden coupon code??

Time to unlock Argenta's 500 year old storyline!