TORAM Online: Full Map v3.2.13a

Even though TORAM Online is a mobile game its world/map is huge!

※NOTE 2020-03-17 :
We made a new and updated TORAM Online map!! >w<)/
You can check and download it here ;3 → [ TORAM Online: Full Map v3.3.15a! ]

But there isn't a way to view it whole! Only a portion can be seen when you open the "MAP" section in game, getting us lost and confused where to go next then end up getting killed by aggressive mobs in the process~~(T□T川)*cry* //we have no idea how to view the whole map, but if you do know how to please do leave a comment below ^^

So we thought of making a full one instead!! (!!`∧´)g By the power and skill of our QHP's mobile screenshotting and my editing prowess *coughLOLcoughXDD* we present you our TORAM Online's full map as of v3.2.13a!

{ Use mouse scroll to zoom out/in to see map clearly,
or click the square I-pop-out icon to see full view }

We hope this will be useful for you and not get lost anymore XD;
Underground Channel is inside Sofya City. It can be found near the male NPC called "Forf" :3
Rugio Ruins is a town/savepoint. //meaning once you visit there & then use the "Save Point" item you'll get teleported back there XD; 

click image to view
| download |


FG said...

Beautiful! Thank you for all that hard work! :D

バラChi said...

@FG: Thank you for your comment! ^w^)

Unknown said...

do u have link download for it?
I can't see the text ^^'

BananaSenpai said...

You, I like you! Thanks for the fantastic map!
(and adorable avatars)

バラChi said...

There is a | download | link below the map image.
You can also use your mouse scroll to zoom in or out of the map image ^w^)

バラChi said...

Thank you very much for liking us, and our map, and our avatars ^//w//^)